GDM Solutions
Providing an Industry Standard Software for Research

ARM 2024 Release Notes

See ARM 2024.x Features (pdf) for a presentation of features added to ARM this year.
  • Watch the PowerPoint version in presentation mode to view embedded feature-in-action videos.
See the Change Log (txt) for a complete list of all changes made in this (and previous) versions of ARM.

Version 2024.1

June 11, 2024

Protocol Signatures

Add your signature to a protocol to finalize or "sign off" on the protocol. 
This follows the same process as Trial Signatures.

Mark a protocol as Reviewed

  • Track whether a protocol has been reviewed
  • Identifies who marked as reviewed
  • Protocol Settings > General tab > Reviewed Protocol
  • 'Trial Reviewed' action automatically logged in Notes tab
  • Checkbox is cleared when any change made to data in the trial

Copy Assessment Headers

Shortcut buttons copy and paste the entire header description.
  • Copy appears only in columns with header information to copy
  • Paste appears only in completely empty columns
Tip: Re-use what you have copied across trials by saving to an SE file.

Copy Coordinates to LL Corner

Right-click on coordinates in Assessment editor to Copy Coordinates to LL Corner of Trial.

Version 2024.0

March 18, 2024

Rating Interval

Define the numerical interval between valid assessment values.
  • For example, use "1" for whole numbers,
    or "0.25" for values like 0.75 or 1.25.
  • Intervals define rating shortcut buttons in ARM Mobile: